This is a selection of our Moment offered edged weapons. Are you interested in some of our items? Please contact us directly.
Sword, Italy ca. 1570 Blade with inscriptions. Lenght 128 cm.
German dagger, dated 1579. Blade with mark.
Elegant sword from italia. Blade signed by CAIMO, one of the best blademaker.
wonderful German Rapier with makers mark in the ricasso, lenght 112 cm.
Double-edged blade with small ricasso, Iron wire grip with turk´s heads, lenght 114 cm.
Unter dem Begriff Blankwaffen versteht man Klingenwaffen (Trutzwaffen), die bei der Verteidigung und Bekämpfung von Feinden zum Einsatz kamen. Man unterscheidet zwischen Stichwaffen (z.B. Dolche, Messer, Rapiere) und Hiebwaffen (Kriegsbeile, Streitäxte). Säbel, Degen und Schwerter fallen in beide Kategorien. Unter den Blankwaffen findet man auch noch die Schlagwaffen oder Wuchtwaffen (Handbeil, Richtbeil, Axt und Streithammer).
Please note:
Only a small part of our offering is represented on our Website!
If you are looking for something specific, please call or e-mail us. An examination of the offered items is possible of course. In this case we plead to arrange an appointment with us.